bunnyfish adventures

material xperience
February 18, 2009, 1:20 am
Filed under: design | Tags: , , , , , ,

material xperience

Went to Utrecht on Saturday with people to see the Material Xperience, a small part of a bigger Architecture convention.  The rest of the group went out afterwards, but I split off early with Yoshi, Lu, and Yvonne, because I had to be productive on Sunday.  My first time in Utrecht!  I will need to go again, because it looked very nice.  Cozy and old like Delft, but much more lively.

Xin nian kuai le!
January 27, 2009, 12:48 am
Filed under: Delft | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Happy Chinese New Year!

On Saturday I went to a celebration held by a bunch of Taiwanese students.  There was a lot of food!  I made and brought scallion pancakes.

We also had to bring a small gift to play a twisted gift exchange game where everyone (40 people) stands in a circle, and there’s a giant die that is rolled to determine if gifts are shifted clockwise or counter-clockwise, or if you get “punished.”  There was a bag of tiles that then said how many people also get punished with you.  The hosts seemed really keen on punishing, since by the end I think 4 out of the 6 sides were devoted to punishment.

But what was punishment, really?  One was that you and the people next to you get drawn on your faces with ink.  Another that was kind of scandalous was that you and one other have to strap on cookware (one being a metal ladle, the other a pot) and one has to hit the other three times by swinging the ladle with your body.  Of course this is the one I end up with, and of course I get stuck with the provocative ladle.  Thankfully as a girl, one can get by with making the motions less suggestive.

And of course the night winded down after the game to karaoke and mahjong.  Wow.  It was probably the most Asian event I’ve ever attended anywhere.  (But it was fun!)

Pictures here are from Nadia, a Greek Erasmus exchange student notorious for always having her camera.  Thanks, Nadia!