bunnyfish adventures

I have good friends
November 7, 2008, 2:08 am
Filed under: Delft, news | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

I always thought that having the TNT post guy come to your door with oversized items was a myth, but I happened to be home and got two awesome things today: English tea from Sungyon and a shit ton of Copic markers from Kristina. Holy crap, I love you.

Kristina also sent out scarves, sparkle sponges, and crazy dishwashing gloves a while back to Pink Staples, and it eerily arrived coincidentally the day after I decided on my dishwashing ritual for class.

And Stephanie has been sending me postcards. I think you’re putting enough postage on them, so stop worrying.

And last, but not least, I requested an LSC calendar so I could look at my term at a glance. I got like 3 because I didn’t know what colors to pick to go with my room.

Tomorrow I leave to go around Germany for a few days before the next quarter settles down on me.

And yes, I stayed up all night watching the polls and Obama’s speech live. … Hooray!
And yes, there is still sadness on the LGBT front…

October 24, 2008, 9:17 am
Filed under: news | Tags: , , , ,

The club I went to a bit ago is mentioned in this New York Times article.

Hooray to CT!
October 11, 2008, 12:11 pm
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Good work!

Hooray for NYT
September 28, 2008, 9:24 pm
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The New York Times has a nifty interactive video of the debate.  Not only does it have a transcript, it also has a fact checker in another tab!

After having watched the debate, I can see why people have their doubts about Obama having empty promises and about his military inexperience.  However I am not convinced on McCain, and I have to say I really dislike his campaign tactics.

But I am very curious to see how the VP debate goes.  Mostly because I haven’t heard much on Biden.  Palin is still a joke, though.  While I think a lot of social liberties shouldn’t be decided by the government, I can’t support someone going into office who is pro-life, anti-gay rights, and who made women pay for their rape kits.  If she were not charming and were not a woman, would she even be in the running as a candidate due to her inexperience?  At least Obama forms intelligent responses and picked a VP candidate that makes sense.

Hooray for France 24
September 27, 2008, 3:08 am
Filed under: news | Tags:

Thank you, France 24, for having a live broadcast of the American debates.

[edit] … But it’s a shame I passed out for most of it anyway.